Kirchberg ski pass prices, Courchevel Resort & Transfer Guide

Kirchberg ski pass prices

В них найдены две железные булавки с кольцевидной головкой и фрагмент ножа-косаря. They are equipped with the most modern war material. Rmbycz says: Posted on December 12, at am. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования подобного типа памятников, существование которых в прибрежной зоне Вислинского залива особых сомнений не вызывает. Juga A.

Кидал клич на форумах о попутчиках, но таковых в нужные сроки не нашлось. Поэтому все варианты с автотранспортом отпали: и аренда и заказ трансфера напомню, речь идет о максимальном удешевлении. Оставался только один вариант: поездом до Оцталя и последние 25км на автобусе. Время прилета в Мемминген было очень удобно-в 8утра и был целый день для трансфера. У немцев есть замечательная штука-земельные групповые билеты Lander tickets , а так как весь наш немецкий отрезок пути проходил через Баварию, то это был баварский земельный билет.

Действует этот билет на территории данной земли в будние дни с 9 утра до 24 и в субботу-воскресенье с 00 до 03 следующих суток. Ездить по нему могут до 5 человек включительно не ограниченное число поездок, но только на региональных RB, RE или местных поездах S , 2 класс.

Всякие другие поезда исключены Евросити, Интерсити и т. И стоит такой билетик всего 29 евро! Представляете, какая выгода для компашки человек! И еще удобно, что не привязано к конкретному времени, что актуально в связи с возможными задержками авиарейса. В Австрии вариант такого билета- Einfach Raus Ticket, стоит 28 евро, но действителен по всей Австрии на поездах этих же типов.

Распечатываем несколько вариантов маршрутов в зависимости от времени старта они могут незначительно отличаться. В распечатке все подробно указано: время отправления-прибытия до пересадочной станции, номера поездов, номера платформ.

Этот баварский билет купили за день до вылета через интернет. Это очень несложно сделать, выполнив пошаговою инстукцию на сайте Ссылка , предварительно можно переключиться на английский кому совсем плохо на немецком. Билет распечатали, но помните, что при проверке требуют кредитную карту, с которой был оплачен билет.

Билет также можно купить в автомате или в кассе, решайте сами, как вам удобней но покупайте обязательно! Итак, 15 января в 6. Приземление-в 8. Прохождение контроля, получение багажа и в 8. Ближайший поезд — в 9. Не судите строго, первый раз поездом по Европе. Мягкие комфортные кресла попарно друг против друга, широкие панорамные окна, сквозной проход через весь поезд без всяких там тамбуров и переходов через вагоны.

А, извините, туалет! Просто огромный, чистенький, благоухающий, да у нас таких в СВ не сыщещь!. Электронные табло с названиями всех остановок, двери открываете сами кнопочками , как изнутри, так и снаружи. Очень тепло, даже жарко, раздеваемся до футболок. Народу немного, никогда не были заполнены все места.

И это региональная электричка, 2 класс! Кстати интересно, каковы же тогда их скоростные поезда? Скоростькм, идет мягко-мягко, никаких стыков и шумов, никакой тряски. За окном проплывают немецкие пейзажи, городки-интересно! Первая пересадка-городок с романтическим названием Бухло. Прибыли в 9. Прибыли в Мюнхен в Отправляемся далее в Прибываем в Розенхейм в Отправляемся в Прибываем в Кюфштейн в Всё, Германия кончилась, далее Австрия.

Покупаем в кассе Einfach Raus Ticket. Ближайший нужный нам поезд Кюфштейн-Иннсбрук отправляется в Время до отправлени-1час. Бросаем рюкзаки прямо на платформе и идем осматривать ближайшие окресности. Побродили по городку, зашли в пивнушку, вернулись, сели и поехали. Качество поезда, тоже, что и немецкого, но за окном уже волшебные пейзажи Альп! Прибытие в Иннсбрук в И вот наконец-Оцталь-время Выходим, тут же в 50м остановка автобуса Имст-Обергургль, ходит примерно раз в час. Водиле показываем распечатанный план с расположеним наших аппартаметов, чтобы сказал нам где выйти поближе от остановки нам идти около м.

Остановок в Лангенфельде несколько. И вот в Всё-дорога окончена. Делим пополам-по37,5евро с носа, а если бы нас было пятеро, то всего по 20! А впечатления от поездки! Сплошной позитив и никакого напряга!

Главное, подготовится заранее, продумть маршрут, распечатать и вперед! И не надо боятся пересадок, везде табло и указатели, времени достаточно, не заблудитесь и не опоздаете! Даже если где-то вдруг лоханетесь, не беда, через час-полтора пойдет следующий поезд в этом же напрвлении.

Главное, имейте несколько распечатанных вариантов у нас было аж 4. Кстати, этот маршрут подходит для катающихся в Майрхофене остановка где-то перед Инсбруком и пересадка на местный поезд прямо до Майрхофена и в районе Ижгля поезд из Инсбрука идет через Оцталь до Ландека, а далее до места автобусом. Хотя до Ижгля , возможно добираться будет проще по другому полукольцу через Брегенц.

Но всё это хорошо при условии прибытия самолёта до И вот, к сожалению, пролетели волшебные 10 дней катания и впереди обратная дорога. Тут все немножко по-другому. Обратный рейс Wizzair Мемминген-Киев-в 8. Аэропорт ночью не работает, закрывается около Так что скоротать ночь в нем не получится.

Поэтому решили доехать до Мюнхена, погулять, ночь переночевать в каком-нибудь хостеле при вокзале, а с утра-в аэропорт. Забронировали на Ссылка пенсион Locarno 48 евро за двухместный номер. Маленкий пенсиончик на 4 этаже 4-х этажного здания прямо на вокзальной площади, в м от входа в вокзал и столько же до автобусной остановки до аэропорта.

Это был главный критерий выбора-как можно ближе к вокзалу и к автобусной остановке. Номер крохотный 10м только с умывальником душ и туалет в коридоре напротив. Был включен завтрак, но на него мы не успевали. Выехали из Лангенфельда в 8. Покупем Einfach Raus Ticket, отправление в 9.

Отправление на Кюфштейн в Прибытие в Кюфштейн-в Баварский билет был куплен заранее он-лайн. Кстати, в Кюфштейне можно покупать как немецкие, так и австрийские билеты, как в кассах, так и в автоматах есть автрийские и немецкие автоматы.

Отправление в Прибытие в Розенхейм в Переход на платформу 1, отправление на Мюнхен в Прибытие в Мюнхен в Что поразило на вокзале в Мюнхене-это обилие жрачки.

Вышли на площадь, тут же увидели свой пенсиончик, поселились, забросили вещички- и гулять по центральной части Мюнхена Карлплатц, Мариенплатц, магазинчики , магазины, магачинищи…, покупки сувениров и подарков родным и близким, что достаточно проблематично сделать на горнолыжных курортах.

В общем для первого раза в Мюнхене получили кучу впечатлений и положительных эмоциий. Ну и конечно же заключительный аккорд-ужин от пуза в Hofbrauhaus, с живой музыкой, литровыми кружками вкуснейшего пива и свиными ножками всего-то по 18 евро с носа за всё!

Билеты куплены заранее он-лайн 15 евро с носа, при покупке у водилы Билеты можно купить на сайте аэропорта Ссылка , кстати, там подробно с фотографиями описано месторасположение остановки прямо возле вокзала. А дальше уже не интересно вылет в 8. Делим пополам-по 73,5. Ну и приобретенный опыт, а это тоже дорогого стоит.

Так что желающие сэкономить на трансфере и не имеющие возможности путешествовать на авто — не сомневайтесь, разрабатывайте свой маршрут и вперед! Да Здравствунт цивилизованная Европа и его величество Интернет! Предлагаю трансфер из г. Микроавтобусы Газель 13 мест.

Телефон: 8 42 Ярлыки: австрия , германия , Трансферы. Зеленая карта для авто. На каждый автомобиль выезжающий за пределы Украины, должна быть оформлена страховка «Зеленая карта» обязательное страхование гражданской ответственности владельцев транспортных средств на территории стран Европы. В октябре года МТСБУ Моторно-транспортное страховое бюро пересмотрело тарифы полисов «Зеленая карта» с учетом валютно-курсовой динамики.

Стоимость полиса на 15 дней для легковых автомобилей для поездок по Европе с 8 октября составит гривны ранее составляло гривны , для автобусов - гривны гривен , грузовых автомобилей - гривны гривны. Стоимость месячного полиса для легковых автомобилей составит гривну ранее - гривен , автобусов гривен гривен , грузовиков - гривен гривен. Стоимость полиса на 6 месяцев для легковых автомобилей составит гривен ранее - гривен , для автобусов - гривен гривен , для грузовых автомобилей - гривен гривен.

Стоимость годичного полиса «Зеленая карта» для легковых автомобилей составит гривен ранее - гривны , для автобусов - гривен гривен , для грузовых автомобилей - гривен гривен. МТСБУ также отмечает, что с 8 октября стоимость полисов для поездок в Беларусь, Молдову и Россию для легковых автомобилей на 15 дней составит гривны ранее - гривен , на месяц - гривны гривен , на полгода - гривен гривен , на год - гривен гривен.

Для автобусов стоимость дневного полиса составит гривны ранее - гривен , на месяц - гривен гривен , на полгода - гривен гривен , на год - гривен гривен. Стоимость дневного полиса для грузовых автомобилей составит гривны ранее - 93 гривны , на месяц - гривны гривен , на полгода - гривен гривен , на год - гривен гривен. Ярлыки: автомобиль , автотуризм , Страховки. Франция - информация о курортах. Немного о Франции.

Белая долина фр. По долине проходит самая длинная в мире горнолыжная трасса для занятия фрирайдом протяжённостью около 22 км. Общие рекомендации: а Необходимость в инструкторе обусловлена тем, что ледник достаточно широкий и его геометрия меняется от сезона к сезону.

Без инструктора можно заехать к обрыву и потратить не мало времени, чтобы вернуться к точке А, откуда можно нормально продолжить спуск. Решается это просто. Смотрите за группами с инструкторами и следуете за ними на расстоянии м и не заблудитесь; б Спуск планировать на солнечный день и быть на горе как можно раньше с утра. Первое - меньше шансов попасть в громадную очередь. Второе - больше людей на трассе и проще не заблудиться; в Взять с собой воду; г Быть осторожным в следующих местах: - Спуск по кромке ледника к началу трассы.

Группы с инструкторами делают это в "кошках", тратя на обмундирование кучу времени. В этом особого смысла нет, но вариант лыжи и палки под мышкой не проходит. Руки должны быть свободны; - Небольшая часть трассы - лед с уклоном в пару градусов. Разогнаться на нем можно до очень приличной скорости и происходит это за счет малого градуса уклона незаметно. Тормозить - сложно. В некоторых местах видели следы крови. По кромках этих кусков шириной метр-два три придется спускаться. Именно здесь очень желательно не заблудится и не оступиться.

Последствия могу быть весьма печальными. Отчеты по Франции читайте здесь. Ярлыки: франция , Шамони. Австрия горнолыжная - перечень австрийских курортов, что выбрать. Именно в Австрийских Альпах появились первые горнолыжные курорты, первые лыжные школы и даже популярный стиль катания карвинг.

At restaurant Life you can enjoy fusion of Mediterranean cuisine presented on modern way by worldwide standards. Day 2 Breakfast is served from 8 to After breakfast, there will be gathering at hotels lobby, meeting up with guide if you decide to hire one and presenting bike rout. Trip starts directly from hotel and is appropriate for medium skilled riders. After astounding ride on gravel paths through a century olive groves and vineyards you will be reaching Primosten.

There you can take a short break and explore the town. In returning from this 35 km long tour, we suggest visit to local Ethno land. We suggest you to try local products and traditional Dalmatian dinner. After dinner and returning to hotel, you can relax and enjoy in wellness zone. Day 3 Breakfast is served from 8 to In order to fully experience this charming town, we suggest sightseeing with a guide. Planned return to the hotel is in the evening, followed by free time to use the wellness center and massages.

Day 4 Breakfast is served from 8 to We suggest easy ride on local roads, 30 km long, to cape Planka. That is the most prominent point of the Adriatic Sea and the border between northern and southern Adriatic, there you can visit votive chapel of St.

John made of stone. After return to hotel there will be free time for wellness and relaxation. In the evening, there is organized dinner at the hotel restaurant. Day 5 Breakfast is served from 8 to On 5th day, we suggest a visit to magnificent NP Krka. It is the best to start from city of Skradin which is center for all excursions. The route is medium difficulty; it is 50 km long and lasts for 4 hours. In a pause from riding, you can go sightseeing or even take a boat trip to visit the monastery on the small island of Visovac.

After returning to hotel, there is organized dinner at the hotel restaurant. Day 6 Breakfast is served from 8 to Planned check-out is at but it is possible to leave your luggage in the locker room and take advantage of the last day for activities.

All bike tours can be adapted complexity and duration depending on your physical condition. Also, we can recommend you travel agency that offers a bicycle rental service with or without a licensed guide. For more information, please, feel free to contact us. Price of the package is ,00 Eur for two person.

Rafting on river Tara with one overnight stay We can arrange rafting on the Tara river — we have complete rafting equipment from professional white-water boats to wetsuits, lifejackets, helmets, and shoes. Skippers are locals and certified by the IRF, with many years of management experience in the white-water of the Tara and Drina rivers. Rafting is designed and implemented as activity tourism, where, under the watchful eye of experienced guides you traverse the white-water of the most attractive canyon in this part of the world.

During the journey you will not only observe but will actively participate with the skipper. You will experience about 50 exciting rapids, which vary between class 2 and class 4 on the international scale or river difficulty.

For those with a more restless spirit we would advise early summer, others a bit later when the rapids are slightly calmer. Smaller groups and individuals will join other groups Minimum age of participants is 5, maximum of years. The price includes all taxes. Transport, accommodation, food, are charged extra in accordance with our price lists. All rafting participants are equipped with helmets, neoprene wetsuits, shoes and paddles.

Given sufficient notice, itineraries may be amended in accordance with your wishes. Activities may be purchased as gifts for your friends or assigned to other members of your party.

The organizers are not responsible for any lost or damage incurred by rafting participants. Spend 1. VAT is included in the price. TERMS: Sojourn tax is not included in the price and amounts to EUR 1.

The program includes: stay in a double room standard, half board, unlimited bathing in both hotels daily entrance to the fitness center a bathrobe for adults, free wireless internet in the hotel, offering entertainment and recreation.

Rent a speedboat in Pula and Banjole, Pula, Banjole Rent a boat with which you will explore the hidden coves, rocks and beautiful beach of Pula! We are able to offer new boats years. Our fleet is waiting for you in the very vicinity of Pula. Exclusive of our location is the proximity of beautiful islands and untouched nature which is a special atmosphere to experience from the sea. With the rental of boats and shutters we give full support in the plan of navigation so that the atmosphere is complete.

Set sail for new discoveries, and come back happy and full of impressions! Then, be led by an expert guide to some of the major attractions, as well as to some lesser-known spots that other tourists often miss. You will also get to see other galleries of the Vatican corridors. Recommended accommodations. К услугам гостей отличный оздоровительный центр с крытым бассейном и спортивным залом.

Оздоровительные удобства также включают в себя различные сауны, джакузи, детский бассейн и широкий спектр услуг массажа. Гости также могу арендовать спортивный инвентарь.

Иногда здесь играет традиционная музыка и в летние месяцы вы можете выпить освежающий напиток на террасе отеля Rogla. Amadria Park Kids Hotel Andrija ex Solaris, Sibenik, Dalmatia, Croatia, Шибеник Окруженный средиземноморской растительностью отель Andrija находится на территории курортного комплекса Solaris, в метрах от пляжа длиной 4 км. К услугам гостей ресторан, детская игровая комната, открытый бассейн.

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Все номера оборудованы кондиционером, мини-баром и спутниковым телевидением, а также ванной комнатой с феном и туалетно-косметическими принадлежностями. В ресторане отеля подают традиционные блюда региона Далмация, а также блюда средиземноморской кухни. В нем обустроен детский уголок с няней, мини-буфетом и детским меню.

Также дети могут посетить бесплатную игровую комнату с видеосистемой и отдельным детским баром с безалкогольными коктейлями. Интерьеры и фасад отеля выполнены в подводной тематике с русалками, дельфинами, морскими черепахами и другими мотивами. У стойки регистрации оборудована мини-стойка для детей, где юные гости могут покататься на горке в форме вулкана и поиграть в игры с талисманом отеля. Всего в нескольких шагах находится семейный пляж Solaris с детской игровой площадкой.

Кроме того, неподалеку работает первый на Адриатическом море аквапарк с многочисленными аттракционами. Город Шибеник, расположенный всего в нескольких минутах езды от отеля, станет отличной отправной точкой для посещения национальных парков Корнати, Крка, Плитвицких озер и Пакленицы, расстояние до которых составляет от 10 до 40 км.

Из привлекательных бассейнов и с прекрасных террас стильно оборудованных ресторанов и баров открывается восхитительный панорамный вид на море и острова залива Кварнер. Если Вы хотите провести беззаботный летний отдых со своей семьей на этом прекрасном курорте — Вы получите даже больше, чем ожидаете.

Благодаря услуге «all inclusive» - все включено, Вам не придется размышлять и планировать обеды и ужины — все будет к Вашим услугам. Ваших малышей особенно порадует забавный бассейн с водными аттракционами и развлекательно- анимационная программа в течение всего дня в детских клубах для любого возраста — от самых маленьких до подростков. В то время пока они развлекаются, вы можете отдохнуть на пляже или расслабиться с любимым напитком у элегантного бассейна с видом на море.

Если Вы любите спорт, Вас порадуют занятия на природе, веселые спортивные турниры и занятия водными видами спорта, а приятным дополнением станут расслабление и занятие йогой на открытом воздухе. Вечерами вся семья сможет наслаждаться звуками живой музыки и отличными развлекательными программами и разнообразными шоу.

На курорте Family Life Bellevue Resort Вы можете воспользоваться многочисленными услугами и предложениями начиная от прекрасных пляжей и бассейна, а также восхитительных ресторанов и баров до разнообразных спортивных предложений и богатых развлекательных программ для всей семьи. Открытие в году Категория: 4 звезды Общая вместимость: номера Номера Номера Супериор с балконом с видом на море или с видом на парк , классические трехместные номера и трехместные номера Супериор с видом на море , семейные номера с балконом с видом на море или с видом на парк , номера с непосредственным выходом к бассейну «Swim up».

Коттедж с бассейном Okrug Gornji, Ciovo, Трогир This oasis exudes peace and tranquility, because the surrounding bay has no facilities which would disturb its harmony.

Villa with pool on Island Ciovo is situated only 30 meters from the beach, covering the area of m2, surrounded by a low stone wall in traditional style and by olive trees, figs, lemons and oranges. The view from Villa is magnificent, you can see the islands of Trogir archipelago such as Fumija opposite the villa , Drvenik Mali and Veli, as well as the island of Solta.

Next to the beach there is a stone pier, where you can dock with a smaller boat. The villa can accommodate eight people, and consists of four elegant rooms, two toilets, kitchen and living room. On the other terrace under olive trees there is furniture with small tables. In front of the large terrace there is an outdoor pool, with deck chairs, of course. On the left side of the villa there is a covered stone barbecue available with a large bar. The villa is located in an area where there is no connection to electricity, therefore supply is provided by means of solar panel.

Water is used from the tank water tank , while for cooking there is gas. The villa is equipped with air conditioning and Wi-Fi signal. With its pebbly and rocky beach, Amarin is an ideal place for a carefree family vacation.

Explore more than a kilometer of beaches while swimming, sunbathing or enjoy one of many soaking opportunities. For those who like to relax by the pool, there is an outdoor swimming complex with three swimming pools for parents, children and babies.

The use of towels, deck chairs and parasols at the pool and the beach is free of charge for Family Hotel Amarin guests. BEACHESThe beach more than a kilometre long provides you with your own place under the sun, or with relaxation in natural shade when you want it. The swimming pool complex also includes a baby pool with sprinklers. Swimming pool for adults Size: m2 Depth: 1. Lazy River Size: m2 Depth: 1. Our program for an unforgettable family vacation offers playgrounds, a wide variety of sports activities for all age groups, and a specially designed baby, mini, and teen club, among other things.

The Amarin Hotel offers plenty of features. It is an ideal choice for those who seek an active vacation and adventures. Our guests and their children can enjoy a variety of entertainment programmes from the morning until the evening. Baby Club ages Mini club ages Teen Club ages Rich sports activities within the entertainment programme competitions, zumba, aerobics, water aerobics etc.

Shows for children Evenings with live music. Relax holiday house with pool and spa zone in Marcana, near Pula, Istria, Croatia, Пула Relax holiday house with pool and spa zone in Marcana, near Pula, Istria, Croatia is a istrian modern holiday house that can accommodate up to 6 guests. The house has the surface of cca. The beautiful, individually furnished house displays character and charm with a timeless quality. The living room has a balcony with a beautiful view on the garden.

The bathroom has a washing machine. A wooden staircase separates the bright living room with a Smart TV from the second floor, where the bedrooms are. In both bedrooms there is a double bed and a bathroom. In each room there are two bathrobes and a hairdryer. Each bedroom has a safe. The windows in the house have built-in fly screens, which are very convenient during the summer months.

It is possible to turn the sofa bed in the living room into a bed for 2 persons. On the ground floor, there is also a spa zone, in which guests can relax. The zone is equipped with sofas, a coffee table, a massage bed, a stationary bicycle, a sauna and a yoga set. Use of the sauna will be additionally charged according to the price list.

The house has wireless and direct dial telephone.

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The entrance gate to the private parking is controlled by a remote control and provides a comfortable and secure parking for two cars. Garden furniture is also available.

In the courtyard there is a stone BBQ. The pool is 7. Additional heating of the pool is also possible on demand during the preseason and postseason. Near the pool there is an outdoor kitchen with fridge, a covered shower and a toilet.

In neighborhood there is a playground 2-minute walk and two shops only 15 meters away , where you can buy fresh bread every morning.

Big supermarkets can be found in Pula, which is 14 km away. If you want to enjoy nature, peace and quiet, then these beaches are the right place for you! The beaches are not crowded in the Summer, and you can choose between single beaches, rocks and various hidden bays. The sea is crystal clear and warm during the summer. You can also take a walk in the nature - there are many paths through the woods.

One can also go biking or riding. All the children had rosy cheeks and were gay.

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They were the gayest of the lot. They refused to talk of their hardships because, as one of them said tomorrow, in New York, is a new day for us. Think of the thousands who have yet to quit refugee camps. Tomorrow is another day. Most vehement of the passengers who had avowedly paid from twice to five times as much as the passage was worth, was Mrs. Anna Bloch who was 77 years old. German food was not bad compared to this ship. He said he had good food in first class, one of the classes, because he paid extra.

Ignoring the common discontent was the oldest man on the ship. Alfred Rothschild of 87 years, who was a retired dress maker of Paris, was born in Germany and was still proud to be German. Neverless he insisted he would never return to Germany so long as Hitler was in power. We must remember [that] it is not what people mark on the walls that counts.

It is what they think. Committee for Care of European Children, 29 boys and girls, refugees from unoccupied France were spending their first days in America. But with the assistance of child care agencies, homes will be found for all.

Most of these children were born in Nazi occupied countries and fled to the U. She was in a home in France before being evacuated. She like Americans. Someone gave her a piece of chocolate at the dock and it was first she remembers eating.

Her mother was a gentile, her father a Jew. Lore had lots to say, she speaks some English. I love history and geography. She is glad to be in America. He left Germany December 24, and went to France.

His father is dead. He is Jewish and speaks French and German. He is Jewish and left Berlin only recently. He studied English in School in Germany for three years. Most of the refugees were originally from Germany… It was not until they began to talk that a picture emerged of parents, dead or taken from them, of life in internment camps and of undernourishment so constant that many became sick when they tasted the first white bread and ate the first adequate meal they had in a year.

Germans, Austrians, Poles, Russians, they almost all chattered in French. They came from unoccupied France where they had been living for two or three years Ruth Englehart was born in Frankfort Germany.

She went to Marseilles in with her mother. Reporters asked where her father was. A pair of blue cotton slippers was fastened to her feet with a string. As she talked, she kept a tight hold to the hand of Eva Kanna, ten, who was born in Halle, near Hamburg Germany. She was accompanied by her sister, Ruth, eleven and she had another sister [who] is with her parents.

The ship arrived a few hours after the much smaller Portuguese liner Mouzinho, which carried passengers. Gehan [vice president of American Export Lines] said that the removal of American consuls in Europe and complicated the troubles of refugees in obtaining passage.

Although he denied that the Portuguese or Spanish governments were discriminating against American lines, he refused to comment on reports that these governments were issuing exit visas only to refugees who booked passage on Portuguese or Spanish boats. Gehan said. There are few Germans there. France is not giving in an inch to Hitler. Villefrand, blond, thirtyish, parrying every question. I am here on private business and expect to return to North Africa soon.

Villefrand said he had come to the U. Villefrand more closely than other passengers. Committee for the Care of European Children had brought them to safety in America. Erich Thorn, who was 12, had the longest journey. He started two years ago from Vienna. His mother died on a truck. His father tried to commit suicide. Finally, in France he got diphtheria. The U. Two passengers on the Nyasa from Lisbon confirmed that the Germans are suffering huge losses in the Russian campaign.

He expressed surprise over the outbreak of typhoid from the last voyage of the vessel here. Even the deck chairs had been glossed with handsome red colors. Health officials, however, held six members of the crew because of their temperature.

In Cuba, left the ship because they lacked entry papers to this country. The ship is deeply suspected by both the U. The ship became doubly suspect when health officials found out that she had landed an infected cargo of passengers in New York August 9. Shortly after the Nyasa sailed away again for Lisbon, doctors in New York began to report typhoid cases among the refugees until there were 17 men and women under treatment in New York hospitals.

Public Health Service began to hear of other cases among refugees who had gone to live with friends in other cities. The Nyasa dumped 25 cases of typhoid fever into the U. The doctors said there were other unreported cases. William H. Best, deputy commissioner of the Health Department, said such vessels as the Nyasa and the Navemar, which arrived with more than passengers two weeks ago, tax the public health staff severely.

Every single passenger who disembarks from one of these little ships must be kept under surveillance, for 30 days, by the Health Department. This was a enormous job for the under staffed department. The department must make at least two examinations in the 30 days. They must examine every member of the crew to discover a carrier. They must go through the entire food supply, the kitchens and the water tanks or any other sources that might be suspected of harboring bacilli.

Robert Olsen, chief quarantine officer of the U. Best added that the Health Department was deeply disturbed when it learned that 41 of the passengers on the Navemar had shown high fevers indicating possible typhoid. It was much more disturbed when laboratory tests proved that two of them were suffering from the disease. Both he and Dr. Olsen admitted that there was little either the federal or the city authorities could do under existing laws.

They can only order typhoid cases among aliens to Ellis Island for treatment and send cases among American citizens to hospitals ashore. They cannot penalize the ship or forbid it to enter the port unless she carries such epidemic diseases as cholera, yellow fever, typhus, bubonic plague or smallpox.

They cannot force Portuguese or Spanish authorities to make preliminary examination of passengers before permitting them to embark for the U.

Neither he nor Dr. Olsen can prevail upon the Nyasa or the Navemar to cease bringing in such profitable human cargoes, however, under such insanitary conditions.

A new cargo of suspects who lived on the same ship with a known typhoid case will be dumped ashore tomorrow noon and Dr. It was a. Captain W. Genocide British plans for seizing the Canaries were expanded and on the verge of being implemented, to be accompanied by an offensive operation from Gibraltar to gain broader and more secure defensive positions along the straits.

What caused them to pull back? Spain had an embassy in Berlin. The staff of the embassy was soon reporting on German massacres of Jews in the Soviet Union. Squads of Germans were dispatched to kill civilian Jews. It was obvious that these acts were with the blessing and support of the German government.

The German government was preparing plans to murder all its Jewish citizens. What happened between the 18th of July when Weddell broke off most interaction with the Spanish government and the 31st of July when a minister of Franco explained to a member of the American embassy how the Spanish policies were pro Allied?

Franco would help the Jews. He immediately ordered the preparation of a ship, the Navemar, to take Jews to the Americas. He would also send more Jews, many more Jews, to the Americas. Seville, no longer a major port, was a staging area. Hitler learned of these activities in September and halted traffic of Jews through Spain in October.

Ships of Garcia and Diaz, now in New York, were to be chartered as passenger vessels for refugees and hence not available for shipment of about three hundred empty gasoline drums now stored in Seville from Spain to the United States.

It would be difficult to place life boats into the water with mechanical appliances safely and rapidly under unfavorable conditions. That one ship carried more Jews than any other vessel. The ship was entangled in a lawsuit and only returned in January We have the diary of Miss Gutman who traveled on the Navemar and other references to the voyage.

Log Marseille — Seville Raisa Guttmann, vivacious blonde, who said she was a former press representative in Latvia, provided a day-by-day narrative of the voyage which began on July 24 in France. When I bought my ticket in Marseille, they told me there would be 20 or 30 to a hold.

There were to 1, packed aboard! The bulkhead separating the men and women was made of thin lath. The passengers were allowed one sheet and one towel, also of muslin, during the entire trip. How could we turn back? The only alternative was to go to Lisbon and get on an American boat. When the boat got there, we were not allowed ashore.

I have broken it into separate sections. It starts with the travel from Marseille to Seville:. I took the train for the Spanish border, the first stage of my trip to Seville, where I would embark on the Navemar, boat of an unknown Spanish company. - Searchregion Hotel

I am happy to sail. After months and months of waiting I had almost lost hope of ever joining my family in America. The trip to Seville will be tiresome. I must change trains 5 times. Already at Narbonne I almost failed to get the train. The same on the Spanish side of the border at Port Bou. We arrived at Barcelona too late to catch the train for Madrid. I was almost taken off the train by secret policemen because my Spanish visa did not permit me to go to Madrid.

MADRID, July The policeman came to my compartment before the train stopped and took me to the police office [and] from there to the prefecture. A rabbi New York Times, September14, conducted a meeting on the cluttered forward deck to express thanks for their fortunate journey.

There were men, women and children from Germany alone. Most of these lived in Berlin, and the others were from near-by German centers and had been herded into the Reich capital for the train trip to Seville Spain. In the Berlin party was Paul David, 48, a former manager of a wholesale concern in Berlin, who was accompanied by his wife and daughter, Ingeborg, The stewards and other crew members did not treat us well. Perhaps it is their way, perhaps it is because they are untrained for this sort of thing.

After all, this is just a freighter, and none of us had any idea what we were coming to when we started for Seville. We were stacked down in the cargo holds and there we traveled… The food was very bad, especially at the beginning, although [after] it improved after they stopped serving the fish that [had] made each sick. David was one who said he felt that with all the suffering on board most of the passengers felt happy and satisfied. It will be forgotten here.

Adolf Furth, Viennese chemist, smoking a pipe and leading his dog Nick about deck told a remarkable story. On board were half a dozen European scholars, including Dr. Gehle, former associate of Albert Einstein, an astronomer and physicist. Furth said, indicating the orange and grapefruit skin strewn deck with his pipe stem. Gehle would talk to the passengers under the stars at night.

Among other things he discussed the theory of relativity developed by his good friend Professor Einstein. We could forget the Navemar as Professor Gehle toured us through the heavens. Perhaps they were. It is about the last ship. July A terrible night with the room [with] my room hot and stinky. The window is opposite the lavatory. The food is rather bad and insufficient. We are supposed to sail tomorrow. The first impression of the boat was much worse than I expected- rows and rows of wooden berths which would serve us as beds.

They are covered with woolen blankets. They are covered with woolen blankets and no sheets, pillow cases [and] no towels. The so-called dining room is in fact hold 2. There are long wooden tables without table cloth and narrow benches without backs marked in white with number. I went to bed with disgust and kept on my dressing gown so I would not touch the blanket.

It is a reality. We should arrive at Lisbon tomorrow. I am a good sailor but seeing sick people also gives me nausea. The rocking is stronger. Passengers are seasick or suffer from diarrhea, consequences of eating the codfish. The lavatory is besieged. My neighbor on the right, an old woman who has diabetes and a wound on her right toe, vomits on the floor.

The lavatory deserves special attention. There are 26 washbasins, 10 showers and about a dozen toilets. This for to women! A square hole on the ceiling covered with a wire net serves for ventilation. We arrived before Lisbon around 8 P. When meat was served a man shouted that it was not fresh and that nobody should eat it.

The ship physician was called. He, another physician and the butcher said the meat was fresh but, in view of the general intestinal infestation, he advised not to eat the meat right now.

Our dormitory has only one steward who also serves the meals in the dining room. We are promised more personnel at Lisbon. More bread, better food, bed linen, etc. Navemar will be a paradise and not a freighter where about persons are pressed together like herring in a barrel. The Portuguese international police are guarding the boat day and night, one of them was very skeptical about our landing.

Much disorder, much discontent [with] so- called police formed by young men among the passengers. First batch of passengers left for Lisbon for the American consulate accompanied by Portuguese policemen and treated like prisoners. More passengers left for the consulate. It is sickening to see the dormitories with clothes, underwear, towels hanging from the beds, with old women lying on the mattresses on the platforms. Some new passengers could not sleep as tickets were sold two or three times for the same berth.

Great animation on board [for] we are leaving. The boat starts moving slowly. Adieu Europe! Some passengers said that they were told originally to board ship at Cadiz Spain, and had to wait a month for it.

When the ship put into Cadiz, they said, nothing was taken aboard but their luggage and they had to journey to Seville to catch the vessel. One of the oxen died and was thrown into the sea. My neighbors are terribly seasick.

A first passenger, an old woman of 70, died. She slept in my hold, in a nearby bed. She was sick since the cod event.

Late at night she was lowered into the sea. A rabbi performed the religious service. The medical staff consists of a physician, an assistant and a nurse, all Spanish. I am told that at the moment more than passengers are ill. There is a shortage of medicine. Several persons have high fever. A man of about 60 died; a sick heart and what not.

Early in the morning we were awakened by rain pouring in into our holds. My diabetic neighbor lay dirty the whole day. The wholesale exhibition of naked bodies in the lavatory has and the waiting for a basin in the morning disgusts me to such a point that I now wash at night before going to bed.

A third passenger, a man of 60, died. My diabetic neighbor foot is worse. Gangrene is developing. There is a fourth dead on board, a man of 60 [who] has been ill since the fish poisoning.

With complete discipline, the children gave a marvelous example of obedience. One individual bought eighty dollars of wearing apparel in Hamilton. After the arrival of the ship seven cases were admitted to the Hospital but one of these died over the weekend.

This brought to five the number of people who did not survive the transoceanic voyage. The crossing was uneventful. There being no ships sighted during the entire two weeks at sea.

The average meal during the voyage consisted of potatoes and rice. During the trip four passengers died and were buried at sea; deaths, in the opinion of a Belgian who was buying foodstuffs in Hamilton, being through the natural causes of old age. He said it was impossible to enjoy a meal in the stuffy dining room below deck with no portholes or ventilations and before the meal was served the passengers were dripping wet with perspiration.

It was necessary to have three sittings to feed the larger number on board and the waiters were worked to such an extent that they just refused to be civil. The youth stated the waiters were getting exhausted having only three to four hours of sleep out of twenty-four.

At last we see Bermuda. The anchor is dropped at Hamilton. British officials are impressed by the bad sanitary condition of our boat. Questioning of all passengers was dropped with the letter F. New and old clothes were sent aboard. Children up to 6 years with their mothers, and others up to 16 not accompanied, have been invited by local women for a walk. Two more old women have been taken ashore.

One died a few hours later. We left Bermuda on time. In the lavatory the wooden seats have fallen off one after the other. Cuba Acting Assistant Surgeon J. Donovan, attached to the American Consulate at Havana reported that immediately on arrival of the vessel he boarded it with the American Consul, Mr.

The report of Dr. Donovan includes the following items of interest: 1. The vessel carried passengers of whom debarked at Havana and proceeded with the vessel to New York.

The vessel, a cargo ship, had no port holes and no fans for the ventilation of the quarters occupied by passengers. Electric torches [flashlights] had to be used. The boat was frightfully crowded and necessarily it is quite impossible to keep her in any kind of sanitary condition.

The passengers were in surprisingly good condition considering the conditions under which they had been living for more than three weeks. Julius Balter, play broker of Berlin, showed reporters a copy of it. Only air holes from the lavatories led to the kitchen. Nourishment has been rotten to some extent and in all sufficient neither from the point of view of either quality or quantity, with a lack of vitamins up to a detrimental extent.

He enjoyed better eating, he said, when he was on patrol in the desert. The passengers said they were so thin that every bone showed through their skins. One of the animals, passengers said, died the first night and was dumped overboard. Referring to previous memorandum on refugee ship Navemar en route from Spanish ports to New York via Hamilton Bermuda and Havana Cuba, this vessel cleared Havana on the morning of September 7th and was expected in New York on September 12th.

The arrival at Havana was one of the most beautiful moments of our trip. We entered the port around 8 p. Passengers started packing early at night. Terrible disorder everywhere, there is practically no room for us unfortunates who need to stay here one week more.

Some imbeciles paid [but] the rest refused. Last night a fifth passenger died of a heart attack. He was He was taken ashore. We left Havana at 5 a. Herbert Schechter, 27, who made the voyage with her husband. It now had passengers, who held their noses at the food they had to eat and complained bitterly of the filth in which they had to live. While the ship, flying the yellow quarantine flag was anchored at Quarantine, the passengers lined the rails and shouted down to newspaper reporters in a tug boat their opinions of the treatment they had received aboard the vessel and to see for themselves the plight of the passengers, most of whom were Jewish refugees from German occupied countries.

Upon arrival in New York the passengers were interviewed by reporters from various newspapers. Lubliner said.

Another arrival was Nicholas Vogel, 16, son of Mr. Lucien Vogel of 35 Sutton place. I was under shelling by the Germans, but that was better than this trip. But when they embarked they were given bunks in a hold like the others. Tell us, is Hitler losing?


Bread and oatmeal soup every day! But no sugar, no vegetables, and very little meat. They brought six live beef cattle aboard at Lisbon. We killed them and ate them. Hurried packing in the morning we came into New York waters. Landed at 9 p. It took me up 1. Report of Harry F. It provides results of the sanitary inspection of the vessel after arriving in New York and general conditions.

The report consists of 9 typed pages and includes the many clippings from the several newspapers of New York City given previously. Harry F. White, chief Quarantine officer, stayed aboard the Navemar from a. He was assisted by seven other doctors of the United States Health Service, two sanitation inspectors and a nurse.

He ate no food in the eleven hours, indicating that he preferred hunger to the fare dished up in the Navemar makeshift galley. The sanitary conditions are very bad. They are comparable to those during the immigration days of and Some passengers said that 60 per cent of their fellows fell ill at one time or another. The freighter carried only one doctor and one nurse, who had to treat as many as patients a day. When reporters went through the ship they found Mrs.

Charlotte Schechter, a refugee from Paris, lying pale and wan in a bunk in the upper section of the aft hold with dirty bed linen pulled up around her chin. The airing the hold was heavy and hot. Her husband, Herbert Schechter, sat at her bedside, sponging her face from time to time with a cloth soaked in water. The passengers seemed agreed that the food was the cause of the illness but they differed in their opinions of just what dish was responsible.

The skipper of the Navemar, Captain Manuel Martinez, presented an entirely different picture of the voyage. He had the appearance of a skipper who had just brought a luxury liner to port after a cruise. One man said that the waiters in the dining room, where meals were served in three shifts, slopped food over the tables and slapped the hands of anyone who reached for a second helping. This document shows clearly the attitude of the Spanish government regarding the passengers.

A telephone conversation with Madrid said that these instructions may not been given to other Spanish companies. Upon its return to Spain the ship Navemar was sunk by torpedo on night of January 24th, half way between the Azores and Cadiz. British Embassy says there was no British or Allied submarine in the vicinity at the time. Navemar, off the coast of Cadiz. I stated that I had heard a rumor to that effect which he confirmed.

The loss of the vessel was a very serious loss to Spain in view of the smallness of its merchant tonnage and to demands made upon such tonnage in the supplying of his country under present exceptional conditions. He added that the vessel contained 17,, pesetas worth of food stuffs and supplies for Spain, Tangier and Spanish Morocco which were very badly needed.

He hinted that the torpedoing was by a German submarine. The next day the Spanish colleague remarked that this was not the first loss Spain had sustained in its merchant tonnage. When the agent asked if he referred to the loss of a Spanish vessel off Melilla for which the Spanish government protested to the Italian government , he replied in the affirmative. Yencken, Minister Counselor of the British Embassy in Madrid, was here recently, he had emphasized to the Spanish authorities the difficulties presented by the matter of transport.

I maintained in that connection what Mr. The Navemar had 7 individuals including one US citizen of cabin class and including 3 US citizens in 3rd class upon arrival in New York. Actual origin did not include Marseille, Lisbon and Seville for these secondary concentrations. On July 31st Beaulac, who was a member of the American embassy, told Carceller, a Spanish minister, that the Government of the United States had made one firm and irrevocable decision It would not permit Hitler to obtain control of the Atlantic.

Beaulac told him that our military and naval authorities were convinced that without such control of the Atlantic Hitler would lose. He said that the American people were behind the Government in this determination and would not be disposed to cooperate with governments which erected difficulties in the way of carrying it out.

Carceller welcomed the opportunity to discuss this subject. He maintained that the practical cooperation which Spain had given to Germany and Italy was insignificant. Spain was impoverished, lacked airplanes and artillery, and was in no position to resist the Germans if they decided to take over the country.

He said the policy of the Spanish Government was to prevent this possibility from arising.

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Therefore, given the limited amount of practical aid Spain gave to the AXIS and the desirability to keep the Germans out of Spain, the policy of the Spanish government, to give Germany the impression of cooperation while denying any effective cooperation, should have the support of the democracies.

In fact, I am fooling them today. Also sending of Spanish volunteers to the Russian front was a cheap but a very useful act of cooperation from the Spanish point of view.

I called on the Foreign Minister this morning. His attitude throughout the visit of nearly an hour was cordial and I endeavored to reciprocate. This offense could only have been provoked through misunderstanding as Weddell had no such intention.

After much back and forth talk it was the joint sentiment that the matter be treated as liquidated. He said that gasoline was not alone a need but a vital political matter.

Not increasing this commodity provoked disappointment and bad feeling in the government and among the people. Over a long time we had allowed gasoline to be exported freely but currently there was a great shortage of this fluid on the Eastern seaboard of the United States.

The American government needed to learn if Spain desired to cooperate in improving relations. He thought these discussions might lead to confusion. These reports are in part based upon statements made by officers and seamen of Spanish tankers. In view of the assurances contained in your telegram of September 16, 5 p. He received me with the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The atmosphere was affable. Weddell interrupted here to again point out that his country had been hindered in its desire to purchase certain Spanish products of which there was an exportable surplus.

Acquisition of zinc, for example, would have provided foreign exchange. To this the Caudillo had no reply. Weddell added that the commodities mentioned were those Spain would normally obtain in the United States but that if trade between our countries were to be on an equitable basis we must sell some other products.

Weddell mentioned here the exclusion of American typewriting and calculating machines and radios. Regarding to gasoline, I had of course learned of this from Campsa and other informal channels.

In discussing the economy, the Caudillo emphasized that if exporting countries abandoned their usual export markets it would mean that substitutes would be found for many products thus closing export outlets forever. Franco replied in the affirmative. The Nuncio expressed his great satisfaction that my relations with the Spanish government should now be normal. The open discontent of the people because of the food shortage is strong and vocal and the Nuncio expressed uneasiness [that some] incident provoke a crisis.

The general unpopularity hatred of Suner he feels has.