Mirage world hotel, Отель Mirage World 5* / Турция / Мармарис - фото, туры в отель

Mirage world hotel

Отель очень понравился. Сколько отдыхали, ни разу не писала отзыв. Mehtab Beach Hotel, 4 Турция, Мармарис.

Латвия Литва Маврикий от руб. Мальдивы от руб. Мексика ОАЭ от 99 руб. Португалия Россия Сейшелы Таиланд от руб. Турция от 89 руб. Франция Чехия Шри-Ланка от руб. Отель удачно расположен — рядом с пляжем и в нескольких минутах ходьбы от кафе и магазинов. Спокойная атмосфера, разнообразное питание и современно декорированные номера.

Рекомендуем для семейного отдыха. Расположение Отель Типы номеров Питание. Deluxe room with Jacuzzi Family Room. Deluxe Loft Suite Deluxe Room. Виды отдыха. Изменить фон страницы:. Как купить онлайн? Где купить? Регистрация Вход. Персонал дружелюбный, бармены хорошие. На рессепшене сидит русскоязычная Инна, которая по возможности старалась помогать. Отельные гиды на уровне. Порадовал отзывчивый Никита.

Территория отеля хорошо распланирована. Есть 4 бара, чтобы далеко не ходить.

Mirage world hotel

З взрослых бассейна, 2 детских. Купались в бассейне у корпуса D, там спокойнее и виды на горы изумительные. Отель больше подходит для больших молодых компаний, хотя иностранных пожилых туристов было достаточно. Нам же с ребенком, в ходе отдыха захотелось в отель с меньшим количеством людей. Ставлю 4 по 5-ти бальной, из-за ситуации с ужинами. В отеле не понравился один человек, по-моему фотограф. Он припрятывал пляжные полотенца под прилавком для тех, кто ему приплачивал.

Mirage World hotel - Ічмелер, Мармарис, Туреччина - Icmeler, Marmaris, Turkey

Остальным они доставались с боем. Ну и слышимость на 4 этаже корпуса D. И не ждите сервиса экстра-класса, это обычная 5-ка, не делюкс. Просто отдыхайте и расслабляйтесь, наслаждайтесь морем и природой. Добрый день! Отдыхали в данном отеле в начале августа. В Турции не первый раз и есть с чем сравнить. До этого бывали на Анталийском побережье, в Мармарисе в первый раз.

Не понимаю почему люди пишут настолько ужасные отзывы об отеле, нам понравилось все, кроме питания. Да, действительно, с питанием проблемы, совсем не бывает мяса, только курица и костлявая рыба, но это тоже вполне объяснимо! Почитайте историю Мармариса, как курорта, а именно как курорт для русских! Мармарис-это европейский курорт, англичане, голландцы и немцы, а они не привыкли ездить на "все включено", они обедают и ужинают в ресторанчиках, там достаточно мяса и морепродуктов.

А русские, которые любят "все включено" и за три копейки стали отдыхать в Мармарисе лет 5 назад, соответственно излюбленное русскими "все включено" еще не успело развиться в полную силу. Многие говорят "Мы заплатили 80 тыщ. Если вы хотите чтоб Вас облизывали, покупайте путевки как минимум за на двоих, но "свинья и там грязи найдет"!

В общем, кто не хочет испортить свой отдых, не заморачивайтесь по пустякам, не ищете сломанный плинтус в отеле или сломанную плитку за унитазом, не сидите в номере хотя номера как бы не писали что ужасные и только корпус D весь распрекрасный, все хорошо, номера все свежие, да маленькие, но вам там ведь не хороводы водить , наслаждайтесь прекрасными видами Ичмелера и Мармариса, дышите найсвежайшим горным воздухом, проводите больше времени на пляже!!!

Пляж бесплатный, шезлонги, зонтики и матрасы бесплатные!!! Отдельно хочу сказать по поводу экскурсий, все пишут про Мишу, да у него экскурсии дешевле, но не в полном объеме! Точно могу сказать по поводу хамама, если хотите попасть в хамам, то купите экскурсию у туроператора, от Миши вас повезут в отельный хамам!! Обязательно съездите на Эгейские острова, их можно взять и у Миши.

Спасибо Mirage World за прекрасно проведенное время!! С удовольствием вернусь и не раз! Не первый год бываю в Мармарисе, очень люблю это место. Вот уже второй год подряд выбираю отель Мираж Отель расположен в живописном месте, природа просто завораживает Просторные номера, шикарный вид с балкона и незначительная доплата за корпус Д. По поводу питания Давали и рыбу, и курицу и индейку и баранину. Много овощей и фруктов.

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Вечером на ужин почти каждый день было очень вкусное мороженое. Для детей прекрасная анимация, горки. Всего в отеле три бассейна. До моря минуты, свой пляж, лежаки, зонтики. В этом году рано утром можно было почти каждый день увидеть больших выплывающих черепах. Море теплое и чистое. Персонал очень вежливый и все недостатки и замечания устраняют сразу же. Отдельное спасибо Инне и Ольге Девчонки, просто молодцы!!! Всегда помогут и все расскажут!!! Barkers run along the beach to the leather store and the hammam at the hotel - they were not satisfied with both!

Wi-Fi in hotels works well only near the reception. Excursions were taken at the local agency Insu, you can find it if you walk along the embankment to the monument to the fish, after it turn deeper into the village and after 50 meters there will be this agency.

The address and phone numbers of the agency can also be found in Yandex maps. Satisfied with prices and service! You can go to Marmaris, on a minibus that goes to Marmaris, you can sit right next to the hotel, crossing the road, passage 10T. But personally I liked Icmeler more. Rest with the exception of some details we consider satisfactory! Good hotel. What do we want to get from the rest? The sea, the sun, good food, entertainment for the child and beautiful nature - this is what we get!

Reading previous reviews gives the impression that this is not about this hotel, to be honest. In general, everything is enough. Ice cream is just space!! Red fish, lamb, payments, pancakes, many types of cheeses and a whole bunch of things, tried everything. Just not real! The scenery around is simply magical.

The hotel is located between the mountains, that is, it is not so hot throughout the day. The staff is just so smart, I always help, the chefs are mega cool bees, hard workers and waiters! The old buffet system! It is only in this hotel!! And this is good news. Shops around the corner. And a little about the cons. We were at and at - it is not far from the disco, but the child slept well, music was heard until 23, but in moderation, she was used to falling asleep under a working TV, so it was not critical.

If you need to override. To the sea minutes. Yes, there are not many sunbeds, but we swam in the sea more than lay. We were supposed to rest in Turunc, but because of the fires we were settled in this hotel. I rested with my husband and parents, I chose the hotel on the principle of 1 line and good reviews. By what criteria we were settled here - I do not know.

Initially, she said that her parents were aged, please settle closer to the sea. At the reception they asked to wait, because the beloved ANEX tour did not bring us to the base of this hotel and the time is And they give us numbers: attention!

Mirage world hotel

Parents are settled in the farthest building where there is a disco and slides , and we are in the very first reception! We are outraged, we came together, how so? To which the girl from the reception replied, they say, do not worry, tomorrow they will relocate.

Mirage world hotel

Morning comes, we come to Guest Relation Natalya, she says, oh, but the maids did not come to work, there is no one to clean the room, we cannot move you. At the same time, the parents in the room were cleaned that day! Appealed to the guide - asked to change the hotel, room, whatever. No reaction! They found a girl who did not like her number and exchanged with her. I loved ANEX very much when everything was fine, but as soon as we faced difficulties - no help!

They say we can move you, but with your additional payment. We called the hotline, and there, in general, an interesting woman answered, they say, well, choose a hotel where you want to move, I will call you back. In general - well done ANEX, if you do not contact them. We liked the food, a huge selection and variety, ice cream in the evenings, red fish and traditional Turkish food.

The only thing is that there are barbecues on the street, but for 9 days of our vacation, no one grilled a barbecue.

Mirage world hotel

The bar on the first pool worked until Receptionist, administrator - mega disinterested people! They themselves do not tell anything: where are the towels, where to go, how and what - generally zero! Little of! We approach the reception, and they say, oh, they made a mistake, so you paid 10 dollars!

I asked again, and how would they give me 4 towels for 10 dollars? In general, while we were cursing and going for suitcases, they quickly wrote a new check with my last name, supposedly I took back 5 dollars!

This is so funny! His eyes are running, the director pretends that he does not understand Russian, although in the morning he spoke it wonderfully! In general, the husband handed over 4 towels in the Hamam, they gave him 4 cards, the reception was no longer able to get out - we had to give us 20 dollars. I do not argue, these are trifles, but I do not like when I am so blatantly deceived. But the staff: bartenders, waiters - super positive people.

They always tried, joked, smiled - they are great! The sea is excellent, two minutes walk from the hotel. There are 5 rows of sun loungers in the hotel, and our Mega resourceful people take them permanently, tying their pareos and calmly leave.

Conclusion: there are not enough sunbeds for everyone. Only if you buy from them. There is no bar on the beach. Like the lifeguards at the pools. Large, beautiful area at the foot of the mountain. Firefighters were on duty for the first days, as fires had recently started. Well… For children, the program from 8 to After for adults, everything is standard: dancing, Mr. Additional services.

A photographer works on the territory, a cool guy, no words. But please negotiate the price in advance! There are shops, hookahs, a great bar near the stage. Delicious cocktails. Good guys work here.

Conclusion: The hotel is far from 5 stars! Despite the hotel, we liked the rest, we went on excursions and I really, in principle, love Turkey. Only this kind of behavior of the administration adds up quite unpleasant impressions Something like this.


I tried to be as objective and helpful as possible. Do not fall for our mistakes and have a good rest! The hotel is not worth the money. The hotel does not meet 5 stars. The room is very small and untidy. There are not enough places on the beach a third of the places are occupied by locals who are not hotel guests. Near the pool, too, everything is not rosy. On the last day there were fires. Turned off the light from All this time the fire lighting did not work, the staff did not give a clear answer to questions.

Everything would be fine I will not repeat many of the reviews, the most basic and what finally finished off is that the paid service in the spa at the hotel was not completed!!

We paid for 4 spa procedures, received only three, and at this we were told "finish" how surprised we were when we presented a receipt for payment for four procedures? To which they did not receive an answer from either the hotel representative or our tour operator from the Anex tour, or from anyone, moreover, all these above-mentioned representatives did not take our side the side of vacationers , but the side of the spa salon and their employees.

To which they did not receive an answer from either the hotel representative or our tour operator from the Anex tour, or from anyone, moreover, all these above-mentioned representatives did not take our side the side of vacationers , but the side of the spa salon and their employees Although it was noted in the accounting book that only three procedures out of four were completed!!

So if you want to spoil your vacation as much as possible with such moments and give your money to not clean, rude people, then they are waiting for you!!