Tangier to chefchaouen

Tangier to chefchaouen

Показать поездку Добавить в корзину Удалить из корзины Поделиться 19 февр. Bus as 2. Вопросы гиду до экскурсии When to go? Путешественник very quaint! Tangier, Morocco 14 марта г.

Chefchaouen one of the stunning villages in the feet of Rif mountains Chefchaouen Medina has a Spanish - style square surrounded by many funky arts crafts stores, rooftop, restaurants and cafes where you will have lunch and walk through to city to explore a little bit, before we drop you in riadwhere you will spend the night. The site contains the Mansions containing the mosaics of the Labours of Hercules and another mosaics with diferents histories.

We leave Volubilis behind to drive alongside the dark, outlaying ridges of the Zerhoun Hills to stop for visit of the town of Moulay Idriss, the holiest Islamic town in the kingdom of Morocco, where thousands of Moroccan faithful come on pilgrimage every August to pray at the tomb of this descendant of the Prophet Mohammed.

Arriving at the elongated square we see above us the green-tiled pyramids of the Zaouia with its who conical quarters on either side and stroll amidst the labyrinth of the alleyways before leaving for the imperial city rebuilt by Moulay Ismail. The Medina old Town is alley Fes el Bali behind its high walls is a magical, medieval city just teeming with life in every one of its narrow streets.

Your first stop is the royal palace gate, which was once the Jewish headquarters, and the first Mellah ever built in Morocco built during the 16th century Your tour will including the famous Al Qaraouine University the oldest in the religion , the tanneries, the Attarine Musseum and Mulay Idriss Mausoleum. After lunch ,you will visit the tile cooperative before enjoying a wonderful panoramic view over the entire Medina of Fes.

The camel trek takes about 1 hour 30 min from to the camp where we will set up Berber tents for our night in the desert. The tents are well equipped with mattresses, blankets and cushions. After dinner we will gather around the fire and enjoy the sound of traditional Berber drums under the stars.

We will wake up early to enjoy the magnificent sunrise on the dunes then take a camel ride back to the hotel. The route through the Dades Valley the way of the thousand Kashbahs provides numerous photo opportunities.

Tangier to Chefchaouen by Bus - Road Trip in Morocco - EP-5

We will stop to enjoy the impressive views and visit organ oil cooperative. We will visit the representative site of Marrakech and finish our experience drop you at the hotel or airport. For this trip in which you will visit the mountains and dunes, the best season is spring.

A 4-Day Itinerary in Tangier and Chefchaouen

Since the maximums are tolerable and there is less chance of snow at heights above 1. You can bring Euros or Dollars, they are always accepted, but the dirham is always better.

The dirham is a restricted currency, so it cannot be taken out of the country and can only be obtained in Morocco, that is, it is not available abroad. There are no restrictions on the entry of other currencies, although they must be declared. It is advisable to wear walking shoes and sunscreen, a hat, long thin clothing, and warm clothing for nights in the mountains.

Personal items, camera, cash. A riad is a traditional urban residence diffused in Morocco and in Al-Andalus having a central patio or an interior garden. They are most often located in the medinas historic centers of cities. Бронирование считается подтвержденным, когда вы получаете сообщение с подтверждением бронирования, которое вам отправляется после предоплаты.

Ничего не найдено, посмотреть все порты. До 8 человек, индивидуальная. Описание экскурсии Day 1: Tangier - Chefchaouen. Overnight in riad in fez city. По прямой — как летит самолет — расстояние составляет км. Цена билета зависит от выбранного вида транспорта.

Такси — самый дорогой вариант. Он обойдется примерно в EUR Если хочется сэкономить на дороге, то лучше купить билет на Автобус: он будет стоить относительно недорого, всего EUR 8.


Chefchaouen в Танжер. Только туда. Выбрать дату. Лучшие варианты. С раннего до позднего. Станция отправления. Станция прибытия.

Tangier to Chefchaouen by Bus - Road Trip in Morocco - EP-5

Виды транспорта из Chefchaouen в Танжер Автобусы. Поезда недоступны. Паромы недоступны. Самолеты недоступны. Из Chefchaouen в Танжер отзывы CD. Водитель был опытный, безопасный и интересный собеседник. Этот отзыв был переведен автоматически Показать оригинал.

Как добраться из Chefchaouen в Танжер? Основные виды транспорта, осуществляющие пассажирские перевозки по этому маршруту: Автобус Микроавтобус Такси Если важно добраться до пункта назначения как можно быстрее, то выбирайте Микроавтобус.

Экскурсия Танжер